We publish open data
GBIF-registered datasets
Most of the data we publish is registered with the Global Biodiversity Information Facility (GBIF), an international network and research infrastructure providing open access to biodiversity data.
We help researchers meet the GBIF publication requirements by standardizing their data to the Darwin Core standard and documenting their datasets with metadata. Some of these datasets are further described in peer-reviewed data papers. We have published data for INBO, Natuurpunt, Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) and others. Most of these datasets are published through the INBO IPT, an Integrated Publishing Toolkit (IPT) we host and maintain.
List of datasets we have published to GBIF
Other datasets
In addition to GBIF-registered datasets, we also provide technical support for the publication of datasets that cannot be expressed in the Darwin Core standard. We publish these on Zenodo, a general purpose research repository.